
Spinal Injury Package – How to Best Use Visuals to Increase Value for Your Spinal Case

Spinal injuries are some of the most common, and most painful, that your clients suffer. Whether a vehicle ...

Common Seatbelt Injuries in Motor Vehicle Collisions

People in motor vehicle collisions often suffer various injuries from the very thing that is supposed to keep ...

$1.5B in Verdicts and Settlements in 2023

We worked on projects for some of the best attorneys in the country during 2023, resulting in over ...

Generic or Lookalike? Selecting 3D Characters for Your Visuals

When you come to Focus Graphics to create illustrations or animations for your cases, there are a lot ...

Effective Sound Design in Legal Animations

Visual aids in mediation or in the courtroom - animations, illustrations, PowerPoint presentations, 3D printed exhibits, and more ...
a lawyer

How Visuals Make Your Expert Look Like an Expert

Medical illustrations and animations are used regularly by top trial lawyers during their expert testimony. The question is ...

Know Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections

In our last article, we discussed the importance of having a clear picture of your client’s medical history, ...
a doctor filling out a medical history form

Know Your Case (Part 2) – What Should a Lawyer do with Medical Records?

In our previous article, we discussed the importance of obtaining all of the medical records from your client’s ...
a doctor filling out a medical history form

Know Your Case (Part 1) – Pretty Pictures Won’t Save it, so Know Your Client’s Medical History

PowerPoint presentations with fancy screen fades and bullet points for a trial were once considered on the cutting ...
dog bite repair

Dog Bite Surgical Repair

Our last post showed the devastating effects of a dog bite suffered during an attack. Showing mechanism of ...