Litigation Strategy

Spinal Injury Package – How to Best Use Visuals to Increase Value for Your Spinal Case

By FG / May 30, 2024 / Comments Off on Spinal Injury Package – How to Best Use Visuals to Increase Value for Your Spinal Case

Spinal injuries are some of the most common, and most painful, that your clients suffer. Whether a vehicle collision, a slip and fall, an assault, a workplace injury, or medmal, anything that affects the spine can have horrible repercussions on your client’s ability to function. Because of that, it’s imperative that you have the right…

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$1.5B in Verdicts and Settlements in 2023

By FG / February 9, 2024 / Comments Off on $1.5B in Verdicts and Settlements in 2023

We worked on projects for some of the best attorneys in the country during 2023, resulting in over $1.5B in verdicts and settlements! Thanks for working with us and putting your faith in our ability to help your cases. We love to show off the amazing work our visual experts do for our clients, so…

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Generic or Lookalike? Selecting 3D Characters for Your Visuals

By FG / November 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Generic or Lookalike? Selecting 3D Characters for Your Visuals

When you come to Focus Graphics to create illustrations or animations for your cases, there are a lot of options to consider. One of those options is whether to have us use a generic character that resembles your client using gender, skin tone, hair color, and build as a guide; or to go with a…

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Effective Sound Design in Legal Animations

By FG / October 6, 2023 / Comments Off on Effective Sound Design in Legal Animations

Visual aids in mediation or in the courtroom – animations, illustrations, PowerPoint presentations, 3D printed exhibits, and more – are proven to increase results for many reasons. For mediation, it may show defense that you are prepared to take them on in a courtroom, or show them aspects of the case in a way they…

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a lawyer

How Visuals Make Your Expert Look Like an Expert

By Sean Claggett / August 26, 2023 / Comments Off on How Visuals Make Your Expert Look Like an Expert

Medical illustrations and animations are used regularly by top trial lawyers during their expert testimony. The question is WHY these top trial lawyers feel that it’s necessary to use medical illustrations and animations during trial with their experts. Can’t an expert explain it all without such visuals? The answer is simple, we want our experts…

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Know Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections

By Dr. Sam Colarusso / July 29, 2023 / Comments Off on Know Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections

In our last article, we discussed the importance of having a clear picture of your client’s medical history, including past and current treatment for their injuries related to their personal injury case. How you use this information is crucial to settling the case before litigation, but it is also the foundation for a successful lawsuit.  …

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a doctor filling out a medical history form

Know Your Case (Part 2) – What Should a Lawyer do with Medical Records?

By Dr. Sam Colarusso / June 20, 2023 / Comments Off on Know Your Case (Part 2) – What Should a Lawyer do with Medical Records?

In our previous article, we discussed the importance of obtaining all of the medical records from your client’s treating providers for their personal injury claim and completing a comprehensive chronological medical summary. The foundation of any personal injury case is understanding the extent of your client’s injuries, the impact upon your client’s life, and possible…

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a doctor filling out a medical history form

Know Your Case (Part 1) – Pretty Pictures Won’t Save it, so Know Your Client’s Medical History

By Dr. Sam Colarusso / May 23, 2023 / Comments Off on Know Your Case (Part 1) – Pretty Pictures Won’t Save it, so Know Your Client’s Medical History

PowerPoint presentations with fancy screen fades and bullet points for a trial were once considered on the cutting edge. Now PowerPoint presentations are almost necessary to captivate and focus the jury on your argument. We’ve learned over time that a professional presentation using technology can significantly increase your chances of winning. We have also learned…

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Read End Collision Results, Focus Graphics

TBI Essentials

By Sean Claggett / March 29, 2023 / Comments Off on TBI Essentials

We all know traumatic brain injury cases are often the most valuable cases we will have at our firms. It is also a fact that many of our traumatic brain injury cases are not the type that are obvious on first blush. So how do we prove our traumatic brain injury cases? The first thing…

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Verdict for Plaintiff Rear ended by FedEx truck

Pain Management Winning Visuals

By Sean Claggett / March 2, 2023 / Comments Off on Pain Management Winning Visuals

It is easy to read the medical records of our clients and lose track of how much treatment they have actually received as a result of being hurt. Years ago, I had a case in which my client had received several injections, and when reading the records, it looked like there were eight days in which he had injections from his pain management doctor.

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a lawyer talking to members of the jury

What Does the Jury Want to See?

By Sean Claggett / January 31, 2021 / Comments Off on What Does the Jury Want to See?

One of the great mysteries with every case is what piece or pieces of evidence will really get the jury motivated to return a verdict in your favor, and just as important, what piece or pieces of evidence will motivate the jury to return a large verdict in your client’s favor. I learned a long time ago…

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Focus Graphics, Meeting with Focus Group

Demonstratives Can Get You to a Larger Settlement Faster

By Sean Claggett / November 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Demonstratives Can Get You to a Larger Settlement Faster

In these pandemic times, where trials are few and far between, the defense often believes they have the upper hand because they can simply starve you out. They figure that eventually you and your client will cave and accept an unfair low settlement offer. Now more than ever, you must resist taking unfair settlement offers,…

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