Personal Injury

Motorcycle Collision Case Settles for $1.25M Policy Limit

By FG / January 15, 2024 / Comments Off on Motorcycle Collision Case Settles for $1.25M Policy Limit

One person not obeying traffic laws is all it takes to ruin another person’s life. Peter Jaraysi’s client was driving eastbound on a motorcycle with the right of way when another driver traveling westbound suddenly turned into him, causing a collision. The client went flying off the motorcycle, over the hood of the other driver’s…

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Hotel Guest Electrical Shock Case Results in 8-figure Verdict

By FG / December 14, 2023 / Comments Off on Hotel Guest Electrical Shock Case Results in 8-figure Verdict

A vacation to celebrate a milestone birthday in the iconic city of Las Vegas should leave one with wonderful memories to look back on far into the future. For the client of Maier Gutierrez & Associates, he certainly has memories, but some are not the kind a person wants, namely a 6-year legal battle and…

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Hospital Fall Case Awarded Verdict of $6.19M

By FG / October 30, 2023 / Comments Off on Hospital Fall Case Awarded Verdict of $6.19M

When a patient is admitted to a hospital, the expectation is that the hospital will protect that patient from the risk of preventable falls, especially when the hospital’s treatment of the patient creates the fall risk. Allen Tittle’s 72-year old client was admitted to Firelands Regional Medical Center due to a newly diagnosed heart condition.…

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Effective Sound Design in Legal Animations

By FG / October 6, 2023 / Comments Off on Effective Sound Design in Legal Animations

Visual aids in mediation or in the courtroom – animations, illustrations, PowerPoint presentations, 3D printed exhibits, and more – are proven to increase results for many reasons. For mediation, it may show defense that you are prepared to take them on in a courtroom, or show them aspects of the case in a way they…

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$8.9M Verdict After $25K Offer in Drunk Driving Collision

By FG / September 27, 2023 / Comments Off on $8.9M Verdict After $25K Offer in Drunk Driving Collision

Driving home one rainy evening changed Khail Parris’ client’s life forever when an oncoming vehicle suddenly veered into his lane and struck him head-on. The injuries suffered were quite extensive – several fractured ribs, fractured femur, broken wrist, ruptured spleen, multiple other internal injuries, pelvic displacement, and a TBI. It was determined that the driver…

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$8.25M Settlement in Construction Liability Case

By FG / September 13, 2023 / Comments Off on $8.25M Settlement in Construction Liability Case

Construction workers are tasked with maintaining standards and adhering to building codes in order to keep the end users of the space safe. What happens, though, when those workers aren’t given the same consideration and are sent in to work in a dangerous situation? That is exactly what happened to Charles Wisell’s client, a construction…

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Know Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections

By Dr. Sam Colarusso / July 29, 2023 / Comments Off on Know Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections

In our last article, we discussed the importance of having a clear picture of your client’s medical history, including past and current treatment for their injuries related to their personal injury case. How you use this information is crucial to settling the case before litigation, but it is also the foundation for a successful lawsuit.  …

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grocery store premises liability case

Grocery Store Premises Liability Case Settles for $2M Using Animated Storyboard

By FG / June 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Grocery Store Premises Liability Case Settles for $2M Using Animated Storyboard

As consumers, we visit stores and other places of business on a regular basis. It can be assumed that any place of business that welcomes the public would make an effort, and has a responsibility, to provide a safe atmosphere to their customers. Patrick Kang’s client was picking up some groceries when she turned the…

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fractured bone

$1.15M Settlement in Slip & Fall at Movie Theater

By FG / June 6, 2023 / Comments Off on $1.15M Settlement in Slip & Fall at Movie Theater

Going to see a movie in a theater is an entire experience…the smell of the popcorn, the excitement of the previews, and finally, the main reason you are there, the feature presentation. For attorney Jonathan P. Crannell’s client, a 65-yr old retiree, she woke up one morning and decided to treat herself to this experience…

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dog bite repair

Dog Bite Surgical Repair

By FG / April 25, 2023 / Comments Off on Dog Bite Surgical Repair

Our last post showed the devastating effects of a dog bite suffered during an attack. Showing mechanism of injury (MOI) is often important so that the jury can see exactly how the injury occurred. It is also important to show what comes next, which is where medical illustrations and animations come in. Depending on budget…

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a dog attacking a woman

Dog Bite Animation Shows Attack and Resulting Injury

By FG / April 12, 2023 / Comments Off on Dog Bite Animation Shows Attack and Resulting Injury

A walk down a quiet street on a beautiful day was all a young woman had in mind for the morning. At a walled home up ahead, the gate opened to allow a vehicle to leave. The woman thought nothing of it as she approached the home until she heard some yelling, and a large…

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A Locked in Syndrome Case Diagram With Graph

$47M Verdict in “Locked-In” Syndrome Case

By FG / March 14, 2023 / Comments Off on $47M Verdict in “Locked-In” Syndrome Case

A fall one evening prompted Amy Geiler’s family to take her to MountainView Hospital’s emergency room for treatment. Upon arriving and being examined, it was determined that her sodium levels were dangerously low (hyponatremia) and she was dehydrated, so saline was administered rapidly to try to stabilize her. MountainView Hospital’s policy would not allow the…

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