Traumatic Brain Injury

Verdict of 5.5M Dollar in Unique Personal Injury Case

Verdict of $5.5M+ in Unique Personal Injury Case

By FG / November 3, 2022 / Comments Off on Verdict of $5.5M+ in Unique Personal Injury Case

Personal injury cases are tough enough to try when the attorney has proof of everything that happened leading up to the injury, but what about when there are no witnesses and you have to piece together what you believed happened to your client? Nigel Whitehead and Taylor Ernst of Ernst Law Group were faced with…

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Read End Collision Results, Focus Graphics

Rear-end Collision Results in $8.5M Verdict

By FG / June 27, 2022 / Comments Off on Rear-end Collision Results in $8.5M Verdict

Attorneys are faced with challenging cases all the time, and Ron Croft Bone is no exception. His 74-year old female client was rear-ended by a box truck at about 45MPH…seems like a homerun! But Mr. Bone had some hurdles to clear. His client had actually slammed on the brakes at a flashing yellow light with…

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High 7 Figure Settlement in Air Bag Failure

High 7-figure Settlement in Air Bag Failure Case

By FG / May 16, 2022 / Comments Off on High 7-figure Settlement in Air Bag Failure Case

Expectation, when purchasing a vehicle, is that all safety features will work as expected should an accident occur. Crumple zones, air bags, seat belts…they should all work together to protect the occupants of a vehicle. Unfortunately for Cassandra Thorson’s client, her safety system, specifically her vehicle air bags, did not deploy when her car was…

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Bicyclist TBI Case, Focus Graphics

Bicyclist TBI Case Settles for 7-figures

By FG / March 30, 2022 / Comments Off on Bicyclist TBI Case Settles for 7-figures

As an attorney, when a client contacts you about taking their case, you hope that everything lines up, there is clear liability, and you can be all but assured of a win. Unfortunately, there are often small details that throw a wrench into it and you have to get creative. Richard Duquette had such a…

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Vehicle Rollover Caused by Potholes

Vehicle Rollover Caused by Potholes Results in 7-figure Unanimous Verdict

By FG / December 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Vehicle Rollover Caused by Potholes Results in 7-figure Unanimous Verdict

Road maintenance seems to be a never-ending effort. Road crews seem to always be working on some section of road no matter where you travel. It falls on transportation departments to ensure that vehicles can travel safely upon their roads, and to timely fix any issues that may be unsafe to those traveling the roads.…

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Injuries along the spine

Distracted Driver Case Results in $120 Million Verdict

By FG / September 7, 2021 / Comments Off on Distracted Driver Case Results in $120 Million Verdict

With the advent of more and more sophisticated mobile technology comes more and more cases of distracted drivers causing accidents. Laws against using devices while driving are only a deterrent that many ignore. Sadly, for Khail Parris’ client, one of those people ignoring the law resulted in catastrophic injuries for him. As the defendant approached…

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Injuries in the head

$91M Verdict in Premises Liability Case

By FG / July 20, 2021 / Comments Off on $91M Verdict in Premises Liability Case

When Eric Fong’s client entered a convenience store late one night, he didn’t realize he was walking into a dangerous situation. Another man was in the store attempting a robbery. The clerk refused his demands and, instead of warning Fong’s client, asked him for help in calling 911. When the would-be robber walked out of…

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Specified injuries in the spine

Settlement of $1.5M Using Colorizations

By FG / July 5, 2021 / Comments Off on Settlement of $1.5M Using Colorizations

Sydney Meriwether Womack’s client felt safe in her office at work. After all, she was surrounded by four walls, inside a building, seated at her desk. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would come to harm there, but one day, another person made a bad decision – to take some anxiety medication,…

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Injuries at the legs

$16 Million Settlement in Motor Vehicle Collision Case

By FG / May 11, 2021 / Comments Off on $16 Million Settlement in Motor Vehicle Collision Case

Police officers are put in place to protect and enforce laws to keep everyone safe. But what happens when an officer of the law doesn’t follow those same laws? For Louis Bertsche’s client, it was disastrous. As she progressed on her motorcycle through an intersection with the right of way, a detective in an unmarked…

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Nerves in the brain

$29.5 Million Verdict in Anaphylaxis Brain Injury Case

By FG / April 26, 2021 / Comments Off on $29.5 Million Verdict in Anaphylaxis Brain Injury Case

Food allergies are very common, and in most cases, very treatable when exposure occurs. Christian Morris’ client was well-versed in what to do if she was ever exposed to peanuts, which happened at a convention in Las Vegas. She unknowingly ingested peanut butter that was in a pretzel topping on some ice cream, and immediately…

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Broken neck surgery

Medical Illustrations Help Take $0 Offer to 7-figure Settlement

By FG / October 4, 2020 / Comments Off on Medical Illustrations Help Take $0 Offer to 7-figure Settlement

Adam Muslusky and April Bonifatto’s client lived the nightmare that happens too often – a commercial vehicle ran a red light, turning left, and slammed into the minivan being driven by their client, crumpling the front end and deploying airbags. The trauma didn’t end there, however; the force of the collision sent the minivan into…

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A slice through the head

$2.5M Settlement in Motor Vehicle Crash

By FG / July 6, 2020 / Comments Off on $2.5M Settlement in Motor Vehicle Crash

An attorney needed a graphic to show the vast array of injuries his client sustained when he was ejected through the front windshield of a van in which he was a passenger. The client was a young man who had the world ahead of him – he was outgoing, got along well with everyone, and…

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