Helpful Resources on Trial Exhibits and Litigation Strategies
How Visuals Make Your Expert Look Like an Expert
Medical illustrations and animations are used regularly by top trial lawyers during their expert testimony. The question is WHY these top trial lawyers feel that it’s necessary to use medical illustrations and animations during trial with their experts. Can’t an…
Read MoreMed-Mal Spine Surgery Case Settles for 7-figures
People put a lot of trust in their doctors, literally putting their lives in the hands of these highly trained professionals in the hopes that the outcome helps with whatever ails them. It can be devastating to learn that surgery…
Read MoreKnow Your Case (Part 3) – Medical Cost Projections
In our last article, we discussed the importance of having a clear picture of your client’s medical history, including past and current treatment for their injuries related to their personal injury case. How you use this information is crucial to…
Read MoreGrocery Store Premises Liability Case Settles for $2M Using Animated Storyboard
As consumers, we visit stores and other places of business on a regular basis. It can be assumed that any place of business that welcomes the public would make an effort, and has a responsibility, to provide a safe atmosphere…
Read MoreKnow Your Case (Part 2) – What Should a Lawyer do with Medical Records?
In our previous article, we discussed the importance of obtaining all of the medical records from your client’s treating providers for their personal injury claim and completing a comprehensive chronological medical summary. The foundation of any personal injury case is…
Read More$1.15M Settlement in Slip & Fall at Movie Theater
Going to see a movie in a theater is an entire experience…the smell of the popcorn, the excitement of the previews, and finally, the main reason you are there, the feature presentation. For attorney Jonathan P. Crannell’s client, a 65-yr…
Read MoreKnow Your Case (Part 1) – Pretty Pictures Won’t Save it, so Know Your Client’s Medical History
PowerPoint presentations with fancy screen fades and bullet points for a trial were once considered on the cutting edge. Now PowerPoint presentations are almost necessary to captivate and focus the jury on your argument. We’ve learned over time that a…
Read MoreDog Bite Surgical Repair
Our last post showed the devastating effects of a dog bite suffered during an attack. Showing mechanism of injury (MOI) is often important so that the jury can see exactly how the injury occurred. It is also important to show…
Read MoreDog Bite Animation Shows Attack and Resulting Injury
A walk down a quiet street on a beautiful day was all a young woman had in mind for the morning. At a walled home up ahead, the gate opened to allow a vehicle to leave. The woman thought nothing…
Read MoreTBI Essentials
We all know traumatic brain injury cases are often the most valuable cases we will have at our firms. It is also a fact that many of our traumatic brain injury cases are not the type that are obvious on…
Read More$47M Verdict in “Locked-In” Syndrome Case
A fall one evening prompted Amy Geiler’s family to take her to MountainView Hospital’s emergency room for treatment. Upon arriving and being examined, it was determined that her sodium levels were dangerously low (hyponatremia) and she was dehydrated, so saline…
Read MorePain Management Winning Visuals
It is easy to read the medical records of our clients and lose track of how much treatment they have actually received as a result of being hurt. Years ago, I had a case in which my client had received several injections, and when reading the records, it looked like there were eight days in which he had injections from his pain management doctor.
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