People in motor vehicle collisions often suffer various injuries from the very thing that is supposed to keep them safe…seatbelts. While their injuries may be less severe than they would have been without a seatbelt on, they nevertheless have suffered trauma that may require immediate and/or long-term care. This should not be overlooked when contemplating…
Read MoreCarpal Tunnel surgery is a fairly straightforward and common surgery. Delicate, for sure, given the nerves in the area, but there exist safety devices specifically to protect the nerves during this surgery. When a surgeon doesn’t use them correctly, however, that is medical malpractice, not a lack of an optimal result. This is the situation…
Read MoreChoosing to drive under the influence is just that, a choice, and one that can severely affect other people. When a man drinking at a country club event chose to drive another guest home, another guest noticed his inebriated state and offered to drive them, but was declined. Instead, the man instructed a valet at…
Read MoreWe worked on projects for some of the best attorneys in the country during 2023, resulting in over $1.5B in verdicts and settlements! Thanks for working with us and putting your faith in our ability to help your cases. We love to show off the amazing work our visual experts do for our clients, so…
Read MoreOne person not obeying traffic laws is all it takes to ruin another person’s life. Peter Jaraysi’s client was driving eastbound on a motorcycle with the right of way when another driver traveling westbound suddenly turned into him, causing a collision. The client went flying off the motorcycle, over the hood of the other driver’s…
Read MoreA vacation to celebrate a milestone birthday in the iconic city of Las Vegas should leave one with wonderful memories to look back on far into the future. For the client of Maier Gutierrez & Associates, he certainly has memories, but some are not the kind a person wants, namely a 6-year legal battle and…
Read MorePatients typically trust their doctors and expect that they will provide the best care possible. They are human, however, and sometimes make mistakes. If that happens, they would be expected to own up to it and then do whatever they can to fix the mistake. In the case of Lloyd Bell’s client, she suffered a…
Read MoreWhen a patient is admitted to a hospital, the expectation is that the hospital will protect that patient from the risk of preventable falls, especially when the hospital’s treatment of the patient creates the fall risk. Allen Tittle’s 72-year old client was admitted to Firelands Regional Medical Center due to a newly diagnosed heart condition.…
Read MoreVisual aids in mediation or in the courtroom – animations, illustrations, PowerPoint presentations, 3D printed exhibits, and more – are proven to increase results for many reasons. For mediation, it may show defense that you are prepared to take them on in a courtroom, or show them aspects of the case in a way they…
Read MoreDriving home one rainy evening changed Khail Parris’ client’s life forever when an oncoming vehicle suddenly veered into his lane and struck him head-on. The injuries suffered were quite extensive – several fractured ribs, fractured femur, broken wrist, ruptured spleen, multiple other internal injuries, pelvic displacement, and a TBI. It was determined that the driver…
Read MoreConstruction workers are tasked with maintaining standards and adhering to building codes in order to keep the end users of the space safe. What happens, though, when those workers aren’t given the same consideration and are sent in to work in a dangerous situation? That is exactly what happened to Charles Wisell’s client, a construction…
Read MoreMedical illustrations and animations are used regularly by top trial lawyers during their expert testimony. The question is WHY these top trial lawyers feel that it’s necessary to use medical illustrations and animations during trial with their experts. Can’t an expert explain it all without such visuals? The answer is simple, we want our experts…
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